MAS Consultants

Our Accomplishments


We work closely with our clients to help them achieve their mission and goals. Examples of some of our accomplishments include:

  • MAS Consultants worked with senior management at Ontario Hydro and Ontario Power Generation to make significant improvements to upgrade the training and certification programs for their nuclear operations in Canada.

  • MAS Consultants worked directly with the Department of Energy's Office of Health, Safety and Security (HSS) to assist them in upgrading and implementing ES&H programs and processes across the Department. This includes startup of the DOE Human Performance Center, support for the Accident Investigation Program, conducting training courses, revising directives and providing facility operations support to Federal staff and contractors in the field.

  • MAS Consultants supports Parsons Corporation at the Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) at the Savannah River Site (SRS) to develop and implement human performance improvement (HPI) initiatives across the project.

  • MAS Consultants supports Washington TRU Solutions at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) to develop and implement human performance improvement (HPI) initiatives across the project.

  • MAS Consultants worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to identify, evaluate, document and share some of the best asthma education programs available in the United States and Canada.

  • MAS Consultants developed and conducts the one-week, in-residence, Nuclear Executive Leadership Training (NELT) for senior executives in the Department of Energy.

  • MAS Consultants provided subject matter expertise to support the DOE Office of Science in conducting programmatic reviews of the electrical safety programs at 6 laboratories across the country.

  • MAS Consultants provided on-shift technical expertise at high-hazard processing facilities at SRS and led engineering evaluations of complex facility systems for optimizing performance.

  • MAS Consultants is supporting the Department of Energy at the Savannah River Site by providing Field Engineer and Technical Coordinator services to support the implementation of ARRA initiatives.

  • MAS Consultants provided technical expertise in support of the startup reviews of the Sandia Pulsed Reactor, the Annular Core Research Reactor, the Y-12 Oxide Conversion Facility, the Y-12 Special Material Purification Facility, the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR), the BGRR and HFBR reactors at BNL, the SRS Glass Waste Storage Building and the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment.

  • MAS Consultants provided support to senior management for the implementation of Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) at Washington Closure Hanford, and the Idaho Cleanup Project.

  • MAS Consultants worked closely with senior management to develop DOE-wide implementation plans and technical documents for various Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendations, such as Recommendation 93-3, 2002-1, 2002-3, 2004-1 and 2004-2.

  • MAS Consultants provided management and technical expertise to support the contract transition activities for Savannah River Nuclear Solutions at the Savannah River Site. MAS Consultants also designed and conducted a one-day off-site retreat for the executives of SRNS, DOE-SR and NNSA.

  • MAS Consultants supported Lockheed Martin by managing the training and procedures upgrade program to support the Phase-A restart of Enriched Uranium Operations at the Y-12 Plant in Oak Ridge, TN and by supporting the senior management restart team.

  • MAS Consultants is working directly with senior managers across the Department of Energy to support the implementation of the new Quality Assurance and Software Quality Assurance program requirements.

  • MAS Consultants supports the Department of Energy's accident investigation program and has provided subject matter expertise for several accident investigations across the DOE complex.

  • MAS Consultants provided support for a management review of the safety culture at the Molten Salt Experimental Reactor in Oak Ridge, TN.

  • MAS Consultants assisted the US Department of Energy by designing and developing national training and qualification programs to upgrade the technical competence of the Federal workforce across the country.

  • MAS Consultants supported the DOE and contractor senior management teams at the Savannah River Site and the Oak Ridge Operations Office by conducting several off-site executive workshops and strategic planning retreats.

  • MAS Consultants supports the SRS Community Reuse Organization by planning and facilitating workshops and strategic planning retreats.

  • MAS Consultants worked with the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry to help implement national training and qualification programs for the nuclear industry.

  • MAS Consultants provided facilitation and related services to support the Savannah River Site Citizens Advisory Board and other SSAB's across the DOE complex.

  • MAS Consultants assisted the US Department of Energy with the startup and day-to-day operations of the National Environmental Training Office (NETO).

  • MAS Consultants facilitated the development of a strategic plan to implement a maintenance improvement program at Chevron's Philadelphia, PA refinery.
Technical Performance Specialists